Saturday, August 21, 2010

I have a project that i should control the LED conected in serial port of a desktop computer tru website?

I have a project that i should control the LED conected in serial port of a desktop computer tru website?

I have a project guys pls help me.. i should Control the OFF and On of a LED that is connected in the serial port of the desktop computer and should be able to controll and access it tru other computer using tru website. software to controll the LED should be able to acces to other computer using the internet.

i am using windows xp, i want to write codes in visual basic but i dont know if possble and how. can the software i did can access tru internet?

pls help me guys how can i do this.

pls suggest what should i need to learn to do this.. any sugestion pls... thnx..

godblessI have a project that i should control the LED conected in serial port of a desktop computer tru website?

You have to get a map of the functionality of each pin in the serial port so that you will know to which one you should connect your led, and also to know which pin to control through the software you're gonna build.


Do the physical connection of the led to the serial port, I can't tell you how cause I don't have a visual on the project material.


In visual basic, there is a OCX called mscomm ';mscomm.ocx';, you can include it in your project and through little programming you will be able to use the serial port. BUT (yes there is a but) this control does not give full and detailed access to each pin in the serail port, so it may not work like you want it.

Another way is to use an collection of API calls in vb to gain a better control over the serial port, but I can't give you the names of these API functions because it's been like a decade since I last used them, so you have to look them up.

That's it, good luck with your project and don't forget to mention my avatar if you got an A+ ;)

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