Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Terrorism in pakistan ..what if terrorists get control on pakistani nuclear project..or bombs?

i really dnt understand that what pakistan doing and its politician army..why so many bombs blast there everyday..what is their duty to public..why this Terrorism heavy on pakistan. who is not doing their duty ? who are those devil killing so many innocent peoples...why they cant control..who are those groups ? what if they later on control pakistan nuclear system/bombs..what will happned to world...why these 2 country very helpless against Terrorism ? if like this i dnt think they will be able to care thier nuclear program,,,what is you guys oppion about this question ?Terrorism in pakistan ..what if terrorists get control on pakistani nuclear project..or bombs?
That very question has been bothering me for awhile. How the hell did Pakistan get a nuke? and why?Terrorism in pakistan ..what if terrorists get control on pakistani nuclear project..or bombs?
it is a distinct possibility, watch Al-Jazeera TV, and you will see a whole new generation of young radicalized, men and women with really warped and violent views against the west. Not looking good for the civilised west.
Don't worry President B.H.Obama mm mm mm will bow and have a talk with them everything will be fine
This is why unstable countries should not have a nuclear project of any type.

Who are the terrorists? Repeat after me Al Queda. Al Queda wants to be in control... They want religious extremism. The leaders are extremist who want the world under extremist Muslim control.

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