Hi i need some functions which can get current mouse position, set its position to any position on screen, simulate clicks...
I tried to search for them, but couldn't find them. I am a C programmer, so preferably give C/C++ functions that i can use in my code. (I use VC++ 6.0 Compiler)
I am not fancy about .NET things or VB controls.
I need them for my project, please help.
you can mail me at chethanchallakere@yahoo.comMouse control functions in VC++, i use VC++6.0, Plz help, need for my project?
Here is a sample of getting some mouse messages...track the new mouse pointer position (and save it in newx) for as long as the left button is held down...this is from some VC++6.0 code i have ( i think it came from 'ShowDIB.C' .. courtesy MSDN help archive):
MSG msg;
int done = 0, newx;
while (!done)
if (PeekMessage(%26amp;msg,NULL,WM_MOUSEFIRST,WM_鈥?br>
newx = LOWORD(msg.lParam);
if(msg.message == WM_LBUTTONUP)
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