Friday, August 6, 2010

Project Question on Birth Control?

I'm doing a project for my health class, and one part of it is showing the effectiveness of various forms of birth control. If used together, are condoms and birth control and pretty effective way to avoid getting pregnant? What is the likelihood? What if two condoms and birth control were used?Project Question on Birth Control?
The effectiveness in the following methods is measured in number of reported pregnancies per 100 women per year.

The Pill combination oral contraceptive %26lt;1-2

The Mini Pill or progestine only pill, POP 3-6

The Contaceptive Patch 1

The Nuvaring 1-2

Depo Provera the shot %26lt;1-2

Spermicides alone 3-21

Spermicides used with condome 1-6

Male condom alone 2-12

Female condom alone 1-2

Cervical Cap plus Spermicide 5-18

Diaphragm plus Spermicide 3-18

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