Unfortunately, yes. In fact, control freaks easily become leaders in an environment where most other workers are passive pushovers. The thing is, a control freak can get quite good results, because they are very detailed and scrutinize everything to death. They also go all out to keep everyone going in the same direction (THEIR direction of course), which minimizes confusion and can clarify objectives. But they limit the growth of their subordinates because they never surrender any responsibility if they can help it, and they drive themselves to early suffering and premature death because they never let go and take on too much onto themselves that should have been delegated.
Control freaks exist for a few major reasons:
1) Insecurity - people who are afraid that their subordinates will outshine them do not want to surrender what they see as ';their job'; to others, so much so that any self-respecting, creative, proactive subordinate would be driven absolutely nuts.
2) Lack of trust - some of these people have been burned before. They have delegated and found that the work wasn't done well, after which they got in trouble. So, they got to the point where they firmly believe ';if its to be its up to me'; and take it to extraordinary lengths. These people have not learnt the art of delegating. They don't know how to distribute and share responsibility or create a system of checks and balances while still providing empowerment to their subordinates.
3) Learning from experience - some people have worked under control freaks and do not know any other way to lead except by emulating their former boss(es). Since their former boss and probably they themselves had arrived at their ';successful'; positions through being control freaks, they believe that this is the only way.
Control freaks are useful in situations where subordinates lack initiative and motivation, where they have to use the ';telling'; method (as termed by Hershey %26amp; Blanchard in their Situational Leadership model). They're absolutely disastrous with subordinates who have both the skill and the inclination to work and do their best.
If you're a control freak, leave over, learn to let go a little bit or you WILL earn yourself an early grave and a life of suffering. If you're working under a control freak, hang on to your patience (or it'll be YOU in the early grave alongside yr boss), give regular and constant updates and never, EVER, do anything of your own initiative without clearing it with them first.Would a ';control freak'; have attributes that might lead to them becoming a section leader or project leader ?
Absolutely! If nobody ELSE wants to take over the Responsibility of leading a Project or Section- a ';Control Freak'; might be JUST the Person for the job. :)
Yeah, you just want to be able to turn them off.
Sort of like a personal trainer. Useful in their place.
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